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Getting Started with Weblets

This basic guide gives a small introduction into getting started with Weblets . It should ease the beginning on how to install Weblets and how to get started with the demo applications.

Download Weblets

The weblets sources can be obtained via the download links above. You have to use Apache Maven to build the release.

It should contain everything, you need to get started with Weblets

Once built your target directories should contain following packages

  • a weblets-impl jar file with the implementation classes
  • a weblets-api jar file with the external apis
  • the documentation
  • a weblets-demo war file with the demos to weblets and the dependencies

To get started simply drop the weblets-demo war file into the application server of your choice and then call

    http://<url to application server>:<port>/weblets-demo/

You should get the demo page showcasing all features of weblets.

The single pages can be used as references for your own development.

Getting started with Maven2

Important: as of Weblets 1.2 we are going to move to a the maven central repository this process is currently underway and will take a few days, the documentation regarding the maven setup is currently obsolete. Once the maven central repository upload is established we will update the maven docs accordingly.

Up until this is done you have to compile from source, sorry about the inconvenience.

Weblets can be injected via a maven build, however currently you only can do it from the repository.

following entries have to be added to your Maven build file under dependencies.


For older versions of weblets following dependency entries have to be added:

The main difference is the namespace and the version. The project has been moved in the past from to hence this change.

getting started with Github

to get started via github you need two prerequisites

  • a git client of your choice
  • a working Maven2 configuration
To get started git clone the project from: Now you have the entire project including all tags on your harddrive.

After checking out simply do a mvn clean install from your checkout dir, and then, after the build process simply go to the weblets-demo subdir and call mvn jetty:run .

After that a jetty servlet runner should be available on port 9090 with the weblets demo application deployed in it.

Simply point your browser to


for further details